Friday, 28 July 2017

Let's talk about suicide

Kurt Cobain took his life in 1994, Chester Bennington did it 23 years later. Nirvana and Linkin Park have been in the top of my favourite band lists. I've watched documentaries on Kurt, and have tried to decipher what they were going through at the time by listening to their songs. These were extremely talented individuals who thought that it was better to die than to live on. They gave up. It was wrong. And here's why...

Suicide, to me, is like tapping out when the opponent (life) has you locked in a submission hold. I'd rather pass out than tap out. I've never been a coward. Even when I was being bullied in high school I would rather throw back a punch or two even if it meant receiving 15 more in return. Life is hard guys, but there's a certain beauty in it. Think about it, if you were to be given 69 trillion dollars right now, you would be ecstatic. You would wake up and think of the various ways you were going to be spending money that day. But that might be fun for a month, maybe even a year, heck maybe even years. But eventually you would be bored out of your mind. Eventually the mindless spending will not give you joy, it will become a chore.

I think life's hurdles are what makes life worth living. Sure you may fall, but fight, get back up, and kick it in the balls. Giving up and quitting is the most "pussy" thing you can do. Life cannot throw a riddle at you that there is no answer to, it cannot, you just have to find it. And find it you must, because giving up is not the answer. You may be depressed or heart-broken, you may have been fired or lost a lot of money, and taking that last step off the ledge seems like a better option than to keep on living. But remember this, anything broken can be rebuilt. ANYTHING. And you don't have to go through these tough times alone, seek help, a friend, a family member, even a therapist. Pretty much anyone who cares enough to listen. And if you have nobody, give me a call.

So put down that shotgun, untie that noose, take a step back from that ledge, flush those pills, put away that knife. Don't give in, don't give up. Fight. Survive.


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