Sunday, 16 January 2011

An untitled couplet

I've cried enough and now I want a fresh start
You may be gone, but have left footprints on my heart...

Thursday, 6 January 2011

My Facebook friend

I met a girl while playing mafia wars,
'Don Koprivnica' was her name.
We exchanged virtual guns and cars
and each others' acquaintance we became.

I browsed through her photographs
and thought she was very cute.
We chatted for about an hour and a half,
her approach towards studies made me go mute.

She lives thousands of miles away,
and we have completely different tastes.
Still, chatting with her brightens my day
and I always sign out with a smile on my face.

She has become a very dear friend of mine
and I hope I've become the same of her's.
I wish we didn't have between us all these miles
and that she come here on a student transfer.

I hope this friendship never comes to an end.
Many thanks to Facebook for giving me such a wonderful friend.